Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bushwick. Shit. I'm still only in Bushwick.

Georg Cantor, the 19th century mathematician, described the deep and profound insight into the laws of motion and the eternal uncertainty of the nature of infinity as both a scientific and a spiritual mystery. It revealed unto him an anxious awareness of the true nature of reality that deeply troubled and elated him. He described it as "the slipping away of the world..." The continuously expanding gulf between what you cannot see and what you know should be there.

I am starting this blog as response to my own attempt to grapple with the same. It is fitting that an image of a River Patrol Boat start me off on this attempt to transcribe my thoughts on these similar matters. PBR Street Gang, the call sign given to the river boat tasked with ferrying Cpt. Benjamin Willard up the Nung river in the film Apocalypse Now , serves as the perfect metaphor for the journey out of the world of the easily quantified and into the dark of the Transfinite- the spaces between Cantor's Supreme Infinite and the world of the Natural Numbers. In simpler terms: The true artist seeks awareness of the world that is, not the world he wishes there was- and brother, sometimes awareness is a bitch.